Florent Collin
Master Student in Computer Science
Cloud developer with mostly back-end experience, I am currently focusing on learning AWS development, low-level programming, and graphics rendering.
I always challenge myself and work hard to exceed expectations. In a team environment, I seek to learn from my coworkers while working toward our goals.
Master in Computer Science
2020 – 2022 | University of Mons (UMons)
Graduated with High Distinction: 17.00/20 avg.
Bachelor in Computer Science
2017 – 2020 | University of Mons (UMons)
Graduated with Distinction: 15.03/20 avg.
High School (CESS)
2010 – 2017 | Institut Notre-Dame de Bonne-EspĂ©rance
Option: Sciences and Mathematics
Cave Generator Tutorial Using the Bevy Engine
2022 | Rust, Bevy
- › Implementation of a cave generator based on Cellular Automata theory using Rust and the Bevy game engine.
- › Wrote a tutorial presenting Bevy, how to create a cave generator and an explanation of the code.
Multiplayer Turn-Based Game · Slay
2019 | Java, Gradle, LibGDX
- › Developed a multiplayer game over a network connection where each player must fight their enemies with soldiers to gain territory.
- › A server was developed in Java with a multi-threaded approach to handle several game rooms concurrently.
Puzzle Game · Baba is You
2018 | Java, JavaFX
- › Recreated the first levels of the famous game: Baba is You. A puzzle game where the player can change the rules by pushing blocks and win in many different ways.
French: Native
English: B2 (Upper-Intermediate)
Cloud Developer
August 2022 – Present | Necko Technologies
Intern Cloud Developer
August 2021 – October 2021 | Necko Technologies
- › Development and deployement of a bridge between two APIs using AWS (API Gateway, Lambda, DynamoDB).
- › Utilization of AWS CDK to deploy the Cloud infrastructure using TypeScript code.
- › Developed a GraphQL API with a Dynamo database providing an interface allowing users to register for games, fill out forms and belong to a group.
Student Assistant
2018 – Present | UMons
- › Assisted over 100 first-year students during their hands-on programming and algorithmic classes in Python and Java.
Algorithms Lab's Intern
August 2020 | UMons
- › Developed and implemented a time-based shortest path algorithm in C++ using QGIS and OpenStreetMap.
- › Optimized the code to calculate in the order of milliseconds the fastest paths to reach any node in a city graph with thousands of nodes and edges.
Back-end Developer
July 2020 | Open Summer of Code
- › Built a system to decentralize electoral data and provide a simple interface for citizens to access that data.
- › Designed and implemented the data pipeline from the candidate forms to the front-end using Link Data, Solid and a Python API.
Back-end Developer
July 2019 | Open Summer of Code
- › Built a Node.Js/React website that shows the quality of Dutch mobility data on a map.
- › Developed the back-end server using PostGIS to process geospatial queries.
Programming Languages
- Rust
- Python
- C++
- C
- Java
- Go
- TypeScript
- Docker
- Docker-Compose
- Git
- GitHub
- AWS Pipeline
- JetBrains Space
- PostgreSQL
- SQLite
- DynamoDB
- MongoDB
Other Skills
- Linux
- Bash